I carved three humpbacked whales from kohikatika and red beach wood,to encircle a dreamcatcher I wove from jute, with a fiddleback fern I carved from jade at the center, for Sue and Weasel. I hung it in an east-facing window to catch the morning sun shining into the Rough & Tumble Bush Lodge. The R&T lodge is in a remote corner of the south island of New Zealand, near to Westport, where Karen and I were caretakers for the lodge during the three month long, winter, off-season. Sue calls the composition her “Sun Catcher.” You will have to go there to see it ... but you had better hurry, because the NZ government plans to build a damn dam to generate electricity for NZ, which will flood the remote valley where you can find, for a short while longer andyway, the R&T lodge.

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